BRALI - An interior for Bram and Lies

The initial project brief tasked us with designing a living room cabinet. However, upon our site visit, it became evident that a more comprehensive intervention was required. The existing living room suffered from a lack of purpose and definition, with its boundaries meandering aimlessly into the enclosed area and leaking into the next space, due to, in part, the juxtaposition of the different axes within the room (the facade, the adjacent dining room, the fireplace).

In response, our introduction serves as a common thread. Existing elements were integrated in the design: the curtain slides behind the cabinet, thereby creating a captivating backdrop for artwork and a niche; an existing door was repurposed into an internal window towards the stairwell; a new mirrored beam acts as a unifying element that brings cohesion to the entire space.

The curved cabinet embraces the living room, giving it a distinct ambiance. The use of natural anodised aluminum, paired with sleek plexiglass slabs and a rich wooden veneer finish, seeks to fuse the existing elements with a contemporary aesthetic.
Location Antwerp(BE)
completion 2022
client private
program interior design
architecture i.s.m.architecten
interior architecture i.s.m.architecten
photographs Luis Dìaz Dìaz