
  an architecture and interior architecture firm

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(in samenwerking met architecten)

i.s.m.architecten (short for "in samenwerking met architecten," which translates to "in collaboration with architects") is a Belgian architecture and interior architecture office with a strong focus on spatial design and the design process. Since its inception in 2010, they have built up expertise through various projects, ranging from furniture pieces over opera scenographies to interior and exterior architecture.

Each project starts with an open perspective. The creation process and its accompanying production lead to a focus which is then tweaked and refined. In this way, each undertaking becomes a means to evolve the design language, create new forms, or refine existing ones, pushing the practice towards new horizons leaning on a solid collaborative relationship with its clients.

office address:
lierseweg 108.2200 herentals

business address:
de merodelei 2 b4.2600 berchem


Ondernemingsnummer 0802813669
Gedragscode architecten

office composition:

Hannah Corbett
Pieter-Jan Lerno
Willem Neyens
Koen Pauwels
Wim Van der Vurst
Cassandra Van Peer

past collaborators:

Katrien Daeyaert
Io Hendrickx
Eva Neefs
Burak Ozdemir
Hannelore Thomas